Edible Flower Lollipop


🌱 Ingredients:

  • 150g sugar

  • 2 Tbsp of water

  • 1 Tbsp lemonade

  • 1-2 Tbsp syrup (of your choice)

🌱 Instructions:

  1. Cook the mixture over medium heat, stir until the sugar has completely dissolved. Then stop stirring and cook until the sugar has reached 150 degrees Celsius. This is called the hard-crack stage. Turn off the stove.

    Now you can do a sugar test: With a candy thermometer, you simply measure 150 °C to find out when the mass is ready. Without a candy thermometer, you can pour a drop into cold water. If it solidifies directly and can be broken like glass, it is the sugar mass perfect. It is important that the sugar does not start to caramelize, because then it changes its colour.

  2. Allow it to sit until it stops bubbling completely then pour over into the mold. Press a clean, fresh flower into the hot candy.

  3. Cool completely and remove the lollipops once hardened (this should take less than 30 minutes).